Acessos: 131

Estudo de Zeólitas do tipo ZSM-5 para aplicação em processos de captura de CO2: Síntese e caracterização. 

DOI: 10.5151/chemeng-cobeq2014-1025-21518-156194


New physicochemical interpretations for the adsorption of food dyes on chitosan films using statistical treatment.


Influence of drying methods on the characteristics of a vegetable paste formulated by linear programming maximizing antioxidant activity..


Physico-chemical characterization of asolectin-genistein liposomal system: Na approach to analyze its in vitro antioxidant potential and effect in glioma cells viability


Films based on oxidized starch and cellulose from barley.


 Effects of single and dual physical modifications on pinhão starch.


Oral Delivery of a High Quercetin Payload Nanosized Emulsion: In Vitro and in Vivo Activity Against B16-F10 Melanoma



Lipid-based nanocarrier for quercetin delivery: system characterization and molecular interactions studies.


Incorporating TiO2 and LiNbO3 nanoparticles in carbon fiber to obtain nanocomposites for applications at photodegradation  

XIV Brazil MRS Meeting


Obs: A listagem acima é representativa, pois não corresponde ao número total de trabalhos publicados com a utilização da infraestrutura do CEME-SUL.